The Story of Weird Ozzy

Once upon a time in the 1920s there was a guy named Ozzy. He usually spends his time at a club called Ye Olde Creepysalad Wikiatory. Then he got promoted to work at the wikiatory. He had to kick many people out for vandalizing the club. His parents names are Momma Ben and Daddy Xan. The both thought he was really crazy so they took him to the mental hospital. On a piece of paper he wrote “RUN RUN RUN RUN FROM THE BAN YOU ARE BANNED”. Everyone was shocked about it. 
The next day Ozzy was missing. His parents called Ozzy’s uncle Cleric to tell them about the disappearance. Xan, Ben, and Cleric drove for hours and could not find anything. The police then started an investigation. The next day Ozzy was found and had many cuts and bruises on him. Ozzy was fixed up but he is still weird. Ozzy died on May 11, 1959. Today Ozzy’s great grandson Maverick (last name omitted) works for a newer version of the Creepysalad Wikiatory called Creepypasta Wiki.